Carbon Policy


Cameron Kennedy is dedicated to addressing the critical issue of climate change by reducing our carbon footprint and fostering environmental sustainability. We recognise that as a financial recruitment company, our operations have an impact on the environment, and we are committed to taking responsible actions to minimise that impact. This Carbon Policy outlines our commitment to carbon reduction and sustainability across our organisation.

Policy Statement

Cameron Kennedy is firmly committed to reducing carbon emissions and promoting environmental sustainability within the framework of our financial recruitment business.


  • Carbon Emission Reduction: We aim to actively reduce our carbon emissions, setting measurable targets to achieve year-on-year reductions.
  • Sustainable Practices: We integrate sustainability into our daily operations, from office practices to interactions with clients and candidates.
  • Awareness and Education: We educate, on a continuing basis, our employees, clients, and candidates about the importance of carbon reduction and environmental sustainability and encourage their active participation.


  • Senior Management: Senior management lead by example, supporting and allocating resources to achieve the objectives outlined in this policy.
  • Employees: All employees are responsible for adhering to the principles of this policy and actively participating in carbon reduction and sustainability efforts.
  • Environmental Officer: A designated environmental officer oversees the development and implementation of carbon reduction initiatives, monitor progress, and report on results to senior management.

Key Actions

Energy Efficiency: We have implemented energy-efficient practices in our offices, including the use of energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems. Employees are encouraged to minimise energy usage and turn off lights and electronic devices when not in use.

Transportation: We promote sustainable transportation options for employees, such as public transit, cycling, and carpooling. We explore options for reducing travel-related emissions, including virtual meetings and remote work arrangements.

Paperless Operations: We have reduced paper usage by promoting digital documentation and electronic communication. When necessary, we use recycled paper and practice double-sided printing. We endeavour to operate a paperless office.

Supply Chain: We have collaborated with our suppliers to identify opportunities for reducing carbon emissions in the supply chain. We have prioritised suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.

Waste Reduction: We have implemented waste reduction and recycling programs in our offices, striving to minimise landfill waste and promote responsible disposal practices.

Candidate and Client Engagement: We engage with candidates and clients to raise awareness of our carbon reduction efforts and encourage sustainable practices within our business relationships.

Employee Engagement: We engage regularly with employees to gather suggestions and feedback on carbon reduction initiatives. Employee participation in sustainability programs will be rewarded and recognised.

Reporting and Monitoring: We monitor our carbon emissions regularly, set annual reduction targets, and report progress transparently to all stakeholders, including clients and candidates.

Review and Continuous Improvement

This Carbon Policy will undergo an annual review to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with evolving business practices and carbon reduction goals. We will make necessary revisions to stay in line with best practices in carbon management and sustainability.


Cameron Kennedy is fully committed to reducing our carbon footprint, fostering sustainability, and contributing to a greener future. We view this policy as an integral part of our corporate values and encourage all employees, clients, and candidates to join us in our journey towards carbon reduction and environmental responsibility.