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Top Soft Skills in Demand

Soft skills. A lot of people tend to underestimate the power of soft skills, or intangible skills, however, they can be extremely important to an employer as they relate to a candidate’s attitude and intuition.

Here are a few of the most in demand soft skills this year:

  1. Creativity – you don’t have to be an artist to be creative! Creativity means solving problems in new, original and unique ways; it means thinking outside of the box and questioning the traditional way of going about things.
  2. Adaptability – let’s face it, most jobs today are fast-paced and always evolving. Embracing change and rolling with the punches exemplifies your optimism and resilience, making you a better leader.
  3. Teamwork – even if your role is, for a majority, independent, being able to work with a team is important as it demonstrates a number of things, such as strong leadership, collaboration and ability to communicate effectively.
  4. Communication – sounds obvious, but being able to communicate effectively through written and spoken word is key. Good communication skills are vital in transferring information accurately and productively.
  5. Decision making – whilst everyone is a bit indecisive, being able to make decisions on your feet and quickly is important, no matter the magnitude of the situation. Taking charge of a situation and guiding the team through is what makes a good leader.

Soft skills play an important role in the daily operations of any company, therefore, they shouldn’t be overlooked!